Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Simple Solutions for Cat Scratching

Cat toys as a distraction for your cat

Top recommended cat toys

As is mentioned in Cat Scratching Solutions, one of the best things you can do to prevent your cat from destroying your fuirniture, hands and sanity is to find an adequate cat toy. Be careful though - not all cat toys are good, no matter how fun and shiny they appear. You need to find the adequate one.

In the section below I will show you examples of cat toys that have proven time and time again as kitty favorites, and some of which I actually own and frequently toss to my cat as a distraction. As is mentioned in the article I linked above, cats sometimes have an abundance of energy that needs to be redirected at something else, whether that's a good scratching post that appeals to their kitten senses, or a cat toy that is fun and distracting.

How to choose a perfect cat toy?

This can be an ordeal. What you need to keep in mind is that what appeals to you may not appeal to your feline friend, so it might be best to check some products that have proven to be tons of fun for cats. I used to buy some toys for my cats only to have them tossed into a box in the corner after the cat shunned them and never looked at them again. You don't want this to happen to you because you don't want to waste your time and money on this. 

Here I present you with some really entertaining cat toys that will distract your cat and not only entertain Captain Scratch, but also you. Because, really, why shouldn't you enjoy it?

These toys I listed are the ones I have good experiences with, and the safest bet when you're getting something like this for your cat is to go with the catnip toys. I particularly liked the catnip bananas I listed hilarious and found them to be the best among the bunch when I want to distract my cat. You will also love the cat dancer, and it's perfect to drain the energy of your cat through playing. Guaranteed to go to sleep afterwards.

In any case, if you need more tips on how to prevent your cat from scratching and biting, or you already have cat toys, you can refer back to Cat Scratching Solutions and read about more tips and tricks to raise a good obedient kitty.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to Prevent Your Cat from Scratching Your Furniture

Stop cat scratching and biting

Is it possible to train a cat?

This is a good question anyone who has cats always wonders. Some people may have some doubts, but people who know their cat business will tell you yes all of the time. So where do others make the mistake with their kitty companions?

I have addressed these issues on my page about cat scratching solutions, but I will try to elaborate a bit more on this post. If you want to jump to see all of the useful cat training tricks, then you can skip this post and click on the link above and read in more detail. However, I urge you to bear with me a bit, if only to get some intro to this problem.

Disciplining your cat and why it never works


 All cat owners often try to find a way to make kitty stop scratching their furniture and other possessions. Sometimes, the cat even scratches you and needs to be brought under control. The scratching becomes severe, regardless of the cat being just playful, and you start thinking about the safety of your kids, yourself, and about protecting those lovely curtains you received as a gift.

Worry not - just like any other problem, cat scratching can absolutely be solved. It could take a little time and effort, but it's definitely worth it in the end - you can train your kitty to be a well-behaving pet that does not scratch up your furniture or your hands.

But how do we do this? Sounds a little complicated, right?

It isn't.

Just like a dog can be trained, so can cats, but with one major difference. When you want to teach a cat about undesirable behavior you must NEVER punish it. Cats don't understand this. However, the approach with rewards will work - encourage kitty's good behavior by giving it a treat. Following so far? Good.

Another thing you can do to your cat is ignore it when it does something undesirable. Remember, cats want to be noticed. They want attention. You will notice that they usually scratch your favorite armchair when you're sitting in it. You think that's a coincidence? Think again. Your cat will want to scratch something that is close to you, so a good idea is to have a scratching post somewhere in the living room where your family usually gathers. Makes sense, right?

There are plenty of fantastic tips I could give you on the topic, but the main thing is that this problem is nothing impossible to overcome. In my article Cat Scratching Solutions | How to Stop Your Cat From Scratching You and Your Furniture, I have explained all sorts of tips and tricks that will help you make turn your cat into an angel. If you need more information regarding that, it's all available at the link I posted.

In the end, I must say one more thing. Never ever declaw your cat! It's inhumane, brutal, and unnecessary.
